Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"In Search Of"

I actually learned a lot from this video. I found out that we don't really have a say in what gets edited out for us on the internet. The internet is running on algerithms and showing us what it has caluculated that we want to see. It throws off the balance because it's mainly looking at the first thing we click on. I also learned that two people could look up the same thing at the same time and get different results. That was really weird to me.
  This makes me question what I see online now. I'm not going to feel like I am getting a good sense of what is going on because I don't know what has been specifically edited out. It makes me feel like I am being closed off to parts of the public life.
  When it comes to the internet in general.. I just wonder how far this "filter bubble" thing will go. Like the video said, you can't have a functioning democracy if people didnt get a good flow of information. It also makes me wonder how many people are clueless to the fact that this is even happening.
  When I search for something now I am going to make sure I have gotten a well rounded understanding on what I am looking for. It might mean I have to go to more than one sight and look up multiple things. I also need to be more aware on the specific things I click on because that will effect what pops up next time.

When I re-did my Shakespeare search I payed more attention to the suggestions that popped up as I was typing. It said some weird things.. that didn't even make sense. I was also more careful as to what I clicked on because I wasn't sure how that would affect my "filter bubble". I realize now that the internet is always being edited to fit me better. In the video it said the best editing gives us a little of both sides and has variety. This made me think about the Hamlet search I just did because the first thing I saw was the argument that Edward De Vere was the real Shakespeare. I had to look a little harder to find actual info on Shakespeare which just made me wonder if it was my computer and "filter bubble" that made it do that.

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