Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Remix the curriculum

AP Exam Lecture Notes

Poetry is music.. know what words mean.

1. What is the dramatic situation- Who is speaker, male/female, young/old, where is the speaker and when, and what are the circumstances.

2. Structure of a poem, what are the parts and how do they relate, coherence, how do parts fit together, punctuation, transition (new idea, theme, break in time), repetition... parallel syntax.

*Dont stop at the end of a line, stop at the end of the punctuation.

-Use rhyming pattern to find technique.

3. what is the theme or central method?

4. Grammer and meaning

5. Important images and figures of speech

6. Important single words

7. Tone - authors attitude towards subject, readers, character (authors voice)

8. Literary and retorical devices- what literary devices does the poem employ?

9. Prostity (flow) The movement through a piece. Rythm, stress, infasis of speach. Number of syllabuls. Structural elements. How does the structure help convey the message?

*Look at contex

Sonnet- A sonnet is a 14 line lyric poem usually about love that employs Iambic pentameter that uses an abab rhyming scheme.
  • Sonnet has 10 syllabuls
  • Iambic Pentameter (metric foot)
  • Iam=2 syllabuls   Pent=5
  • Italian or English(elizabthan) sonnet
  • A sonnet is 3 quatrains and 1 couplet
  • Quatrain=4 lines   Couplet=2 lines


What is love but a sweet act of kindness
falling to the unknown with only trust
Always feeling safe and never restless
knowing you will be there, faith is a must.
Love's disguises can either soar or sting,
with emotions like a revolving door;
passion consuming entire beings,
But they say love's someting worth fighting for.
The elusive nymph, how it taunts me so;
Bringer of life, Great tormentor of souls;
Heartbreak of mine, will its pain never go?
I cry in pain, the joyous churchbell tolls.
The bittersweet journey that reaps and sows
The outcome of love we might never know.

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