Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Notes: Socratic Seminar

"There's a magic of being together that's different than technology."

-When you play with imagination it helps you grow.

-It's harder to make individual decisions if you're always under rules.

-"Learn from my mistakes" - No i have to learn from my own or I won't have any experiences that help me grow.

-"Wisdom- a practical application of knowledge"

-You have to learn from experience..
-Happy Medium

-Thought process..
-Remix shakespeare to connect to your own life

-What value does knowledge or wisdom have if your not using it.

-What we learn in school needs to be relevent to our own life in order to remember it.

-We are bound for testing

-Monkey can climb a tree, but an elephant can't
(We are all individual and unique and yet testing tries to generalize us and our learning.)
-testing doesn't define who you are

-kids and building blocks... we are still in that creating state..
-Sometimes people look at the things they can't change...

-You have to have the right mindset.. "Don't do what you love, love what you do."

1a. Paragraph #1: How can these concepts enhance your learning as you arrive at a moment when grades no longer matter?
1b. Paragraph #2: How can these concepts enhance your ability to master content for the AP exam and other hurdles you have yet to leap?
1c. How can you use these concepts to collaborate with and inspire others, to improve the information exchange and overall value of your learning network?

1a. I feel like it really does have a lot to do with the mindset of the student. It is really up to them how they want to take in all this information. For a lot of people I know.. it is senior year and they already got into their college and they aren't really that motivated to finish strong. They still are stuck in this mindset that school is just test prep and not life long skills. When they stop thinking of it as points on a score sheet.. and see the bigger picture, I think these concepts will help them.

1b. I was just thinking the other day that there were probably going to be a lot of literary terms on the AP test and it would really benifit me to know them. When we had tests on the lit terms I would make sure to study them but when there was no teacher warning me.. then I lost my incentive, and didn't review. With the AP test fastly approaching.. I see the importance and benefit of knowing them for my own good.. not just for points in a class. I feel like this relates to the world in general. Don't do things just to get them done and then forget, but take the time to find the value in it and then it will seem like it's more worth your time.

1c. Just like in the video we watched, the internet creates a library for the world. After watching that video and talking to people, everyone seemed to come away very inspired. People from all overt the world asking questions and putting online for everyone to see. At first that seemed impossible to them but they did it. I think that's why so many people were inspired, because of how impossible it seemed. So often we forget how fortunate we are to have an opportunity to take an AP class like this. We can use our blogs and online resources to help educate other people who have a real interest in what we are doing.

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