Tuesday, April 24, 2012

prose/poetry prompts

1977 No prose selection (instead, had the following prompt: A character’s attempt to recapture or reject the past is important in many plays, novels, and poems. Choose a work in which a character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, or longing. Show with clear evidence how the character’s view of the past is used to develop a theme in the work.)

-I feel like Macbeth's past actions cause his future ones. He has a conscience and feels bad about killing Duncan which is why he keeps killing more people because he's striving for a punishment or what he feels he deserves. Almost like self destruction.

1970 Meredith’s “Ferdinand and Miranda” from The Ordeal of Richard Feveral: Show how the young woman and the young man in the passage are made to seem naturally suited for one another.

-Macbeth and Lady Macbeth balance each other out. They both go through changes but they are always opposite of each other.

1992 Poem: “The Prelude” (William Wordsworth)

Prompt: Write an essay in which you trace the speaker's changing responses to his experiences and explain how they are conveyed by the poem's diction, imagery, and tone.

-being king, daggar..

1993 Poem: “The Centaur” (May Swenson)

Prompt: Read the following poem carefully. Then write an essay in which you discuss how such elements as language, imagery, structure, and point of view convey meaning in the poem.

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